After all the exertions of the Corona time we could finally invite all SynAGE members to the first retreat in presence at the castle Wanzleben near Magdeburg.

For 2 days, the focus was not only on science and methodological exchange, but also on passing the baton to our 2nd cohort of doctoral researchers.

In the evening, our spokesperson, vice-speaker and coordinator were ready for the hot-seat and answered all questions about SynAGE to our 60 PIs, postdocs and doctoral researchers present. Our external advisors Prof. Dr. Noam Ziv and Prof. Dr. Craig Garner also joined us for the discussion session and evaluation of the 1st funding period.



We thank our external advisors who took the time to join our evening hot-seat session and for their valuable feedback on our 1st funding period. We thank all postdoctoral and doctoral researchers (in medicine) for their active contributions. Moreover, we thank Hotel Burg Wanzleben for hosting the event.

Finally, we would like to thank the DFG. Without financial support all the discussion around neuroscience would not have been possible.