CBBS graduate program

The aim of the CBBS graduate program is to connect students from the Otto von Guericke University (OVGU), the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN) and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE).
Under the umbrella of the Otto von Guericke Graduate Academy (OVG-GA), you can find on their webpage useful information about upcoming events on the campus dealing with neuroscience, they organize lectures focusing on state-of-the-art methods used in neuroscience and organize social events.
Female Scientists Network FSN

Magdeburg connects Life-Scientists and Alumnae
Are you life-scientist? Are you connected to Magdeburg? Are you interested in networking with other researchers, join our events, be a mentor or seek one, share experiences about dual career or the balance of career and family? Then join our network via www.fsn.ovgu.de!
The goal of the FSN is to connect all life-scientists associated to Magdeburg- independent whether Magdeburg was the starting point, an intermediate stop or the goal of your career.
The task of the network is to connect alumnae and currently in Magdeburg working scientists, to win them as role models or mentors for future junior scientists and to highlight various career paths inside and outside academia.
The Female Scientists Network is a project funded by the CRC 854, RTG 2408 and RTG 2413. It started in June 2019.