02.03.2020: Satellite Workshop on the Learning & Memory Meeting Magdeburg

25.06.2020: Science Slam

10.09.2020: Workshop on „Metabolic labeling strategies, proteomics and protein analytics“

05.03.2021: Workshop on „Preclinical Research with Mouse Models“

25.03.2021: Bioinformatics Workshop: „How to analyze the synaptic proteome“

08. and 10.03.2022: Workshop on „Good Scientific Practice“

11.03.2022: Workshop on „High-resolution live-imaging“

05.05.2022: Workshop on „Assessment of vascular and (g)lymphatic functions“

08.06.2022: Workshop on „Advanced EEG single-trial analysis techniques“

21.06.2022: Internal Workshop on „Peripheral monocytes – role in inflammatory diseases of the kidney and the brain“

23. & 30.06.2022 – Workshop on „Statistics for MDs: Datenmanagement und Biometrie II für Medizindoktoranden“