The new graduate program at the medical campus invited all interested people to the SynAGE Kick-Off meeting on 22nd and 23rd of May 2019 to the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology. Our PhD/MD students, invited speakers and guests experienced a varying program with talks by i.a. Stephan Sigrist, Monica Di Luca, André Fischer and Denise-Manahan Vaughan, poster session and BBQ.

We would like to thank our speakers Stephan Sigrist, Monica Di Luca, André Fischer, Denise-Manahan Vaughan, Oliver Kann, Gary Lewin, Michael Kreutz, Stefanie Schreiber, Anne Albrecht and Thomas Endres for their inspiring talks and stimulating discussions.
Additional, we would like to appreciate the LIN as host and there especially the members of the Haustechnik and Medientechnik.
The photos were made by Melitta Dybiona (FME) and Reinhard Blumenstein (LIN)